Lifegate Online

You’re invited.

Sundays 9:15 am


Welcome to our Online Community.

Lifegate Church Online is easily accessed from any device. You can join us every Sunday at 9:15am and 5pm (AEST), or on demand on Youtube. Each service lasts approximately 1 hour and features prayer, stories, and a practical message.

Attend by yourself, watch with friends, or join the conversation through our online chat platform hosted by our online team.

Choose Your Platform:

  • Lifegate.Online: Preferred platform with all the interactive features ranging from live chat, confidential prayer, digital notes and digital Bible access.

  • YouTube Live: Perfect for inviting friends to watch the service with you, streaming on your TV and catching up on past messages.

More than a livestream.

Belong to a community.

We love providing an online experience, but we truly believe life is better connected! We’d love you to join our Online Campus Facebook Group to stay connected new people, share prayer requests, and encourage others in their walk with Christ!